
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Thank God for the "Blue Death"

Day 26

I discovered Tylenol PM in college. I have never been one to sleep much, but back then it was especially bad. All night study sessions, late night gigs, fraternity life, and other extracurricular events made for a sleep schedule that was erratic at best and often times down right chaotic. My roommate and I heard about this little over-the-counter wonder and decided to give it a try. The adult dose was two tablets, so each of us downed a couple tiny blue dream-makers and headed for bed. I awoke 8 1/2 hours later refreshed and ready for the day. He didn't stir for another 4 hours and when he did he was foggy for another hour or so. I love him, but he's kind of a medicinal light-weight.

After this, we affectionately named this product the "Blue Death." When either of said we were going to take the "Blue Death" the other one had to abstain and play "Town Cryer" to make sure we made it to class the next day. (As a side note, Nyquil often accomplishes the same result, but if you don't have sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, or fever why overdo it right?).

As the years have come and gone, I have occasionally had cause to dance with the "Blue Death." The last few weeks have brought me to one of those occasions. I am happy to report that for the past two nights, I have slept much more soundly thanks to Tylenol PM (which, incidently, is just extra strength Tylenol with Benedryl added to it). However, in a constant effort to limit my dealings with the "Small Blue One," I will be seeing my primary care physician tomorrow. She was the one who told me to use it until I could get into the office. I have complete confidence in her knowledge of medications and I know that she will help me craft a more permanent sleep solution.

As for the "crazy," I have to admit that it is much easier to deal with when I can sleep at night. So fear not, World, things are looking up. I see the doctor tomorrow, the Coach on Monday, and the shrink in May. And just think, less than a month ago I was just some poor schlep touching, counting, and checking his way to insanity. Now, I have people, publications, and prescriptions. Looks like the sky's the limit. Or is it? You know, I haven't checked that lately...

1 comment:

  1. Lightweight? Me? Yeah...I guess so. Yes, I have caught up on the blog and it is permanently opened on my computer...thanks for inviting me in :) -td
