
Saturday, March 27, 2010

The First Pills of the Rest of My Life

Day 29

Last night I took the first pills of the rest of my life. After I took them (and didn't faint, explode, or melt into goo) I said to my loving wife in a melancholy tone, "Well, I just took the first pills of the rest of my life." Unphased by overblown sense of personal drama, she simply replied, "We don't know that it will be for the rest of your life." So I sat on the couch to watch TV with her, because she was right. I don't know if this will be for the rest of my life, but I do know that it is for right now.

As for the sleep, all things went well. Xanax can be a worthy opponent when navigating to the bathroom at 2 am, but, all things considered, I awoke around 6:30 ready for the day. Today I will work on the taxes, take the kids to a pizza party at 1, and try to relax a bit. I may even cook today, my chives are coming up in the garden outside and their just begging to be used. I love chives, because winter can't kill them. They just keep coming back year after year. I hope to be like that.

1 comment:

  1. I love the image of the chives coming back! Congrats on not melting or exploding with your first pills! Your wife sounds like a wise woman.
