
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Your eyes are getting sleepy...

Day 463

I just wanted to leave a quick note about a great way to get to sleep. No, this is not an advertisement, I'm not trying to get you into my down-line, and this is definitely not your path to financial freedom. It's way more normal than that, it's hypnosis!

I had been trying different things to help me sleep better when I remembered something from my college days. My roommate had a tape, yes I said tape as in cassette, remember those?

Anyway he had this tape of some guy teaching you how to hypnotize yourself. We used to listen to it after all-nighters to catch up on z's--and it really worked.

I looked on iTunes and found several hypnosis apps. The best ones were by a British guy named Glenn Harrold. If you want to get to sleep and wake up ready to go, Glenn is your guy.

Check him out and let me know what you think. But experiment at your own risk. If you develop sudden urges to bark like a cat, it's not my fault.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPod


  1. I haven't tried this hypnosis thing but it sound promising. I've relied on natural sleep aids for years because it works for me.

  2. I have heard about the power of hypnosis. I'm not sure how its performed though. Has anyone tried it?


  3. hi nice post i need some doing Home Renovation done for my house so that i can get nice sleep
