I saw Coach last Wednesday. He's back from his knee replacement and moving pretty well. We talked about how I was tolerating the new dosage of Zoloft and the Ambien. Going from 50 to 100mg of Zoloft has sent me through another round of side effects. Let's just say that I have had plenty of time in the bathroom for reading and reflection. The morning sickness is back along with the heartburn. I have learned that I have to force myself to eat protein in the morning and to eat lunch, even though I don't feel like it, in order to keep from getting light-headed and punchy in the afternoon. On the other hand, Ambien is wonderful! I have slept straight through the night for the last week and a half. I can't tell you how much easier it is to deal with this stuff when I can sleep.
The other thing we discussed at length, besides my need to work less and reduce my stress, was the possibility of adding a psychostimulant like Ritulin when I see Doc Brown on the 9th. Coach says that these drugs act differently than the antidepressants. The take effect within about 20 minutes and only last 4-6 hours. This means I can manage my focus by taking them only when I need them. We first have to get my Zoloft up to therapeutic levels which means increasing them to 150mg or more. Suffice it to say, we have a ways to go with the medication.
I have a gig tonight. That's always a good thing. Nothing fixes what's wrong with the world like a gig. I haven't had one for a few weeks because we seem to be working less than last year. I guess the economy has finally caught up with us. Oh well, I'll just be thankful for tonight and take the tomorrow with a handful of ibuprofen.