
Monday, April 12, 2010

Besides the side effects...

Day 44

Well, World, last Friday marked 2 weeks on my medication. This means that, by now, I'm supposed to have seen all that Zoloft can throw at me with regard to side effects. At this point, I still wake up nauseous every morning, but it's getting better. I have learned that eating a small amount of food for breakfast such as a muffin, a banana, or some cereal helps to calm things down. I've also learned to pack a snack to help me through the 3 pm crash. I still don't have much of an appetite and I'm down about 10 pounds, but that's OK with me. I could lose about 40 more before I worry about it and I doubt that I'm going to be that fortunate. Most of the people who report weight loss with SSRI medications say that they eventually gain the weight back anyway. I'm going to try not to let that happen. Besides, all my life I have eaten for comfort and if the meds do their job I shouldn't have the anxiety that caused the medicinal eating.

In other news, My son begins Little League tomorrow. We bought the glove and bat yesterday. I was so excited to pass on the love of baseball. There is something American, something spiritual, something downright manly about baseball. It was such a massive part of my development as a young man. I learned to play on a team. I learned to win and lose with dignity and pride. I learned to overcome my fears. And I learned to push myself beyond my limits to grow in my abilities. Baseball united me with my friends, my family, and most importantly my dad. I am truly overjoyed to share this with my boy. This will be good for both of us.

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