
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Super Power Number 2

Day 483

In my last post I told you about my super power of Resilience.  Today, it's all about Consistency. That's right, one thing about OCD people is that you can set your watch by us.  We will do the same thing every day the same way for the same amount of time in the same place facing the same direction and you can take that to the bank.

I think this is incredibly helpful to the world around me.  For instance, all the little critters in my neighborhood know to stay off the street at the same times every day (no matter when I say I plan to leave or arrive somewhere).  In that way they can plan their  hunting and scavenging without fear of being flattened by my truck.  I stop every morning at the same Starbucks, I order the same drink, I use the same amount of cream and sugar.  This allows Starbucks to plan accordingly and never worry about being caught off-guard by any impulsive ordering or use of condiments.

I help my city by showering and shaving at the same time every day (regardless of when I plan to get up).  This allows the water department to know exactly how much water I will use and plan accordingly.  I buy my gas at the same gas station every week (right after the light comes on to remind that I will soon be walking if I don't) so as not to adversely affect the price of gasoline and, thus, topple the US economy.  I arrive at every appointment at precisely the same time (10-15 minutes late depending on the inconsistency of other motorists and pedestrians).  This allows people to know when to expect me and plan accordingly.

I give my children the same responses to their questions, protests, gripes, and complaints.  This insures that they will have a consistent upbringing characterized by the utmost integrity.  I tell my wife the same jokes and get in trouble for the same things on a daily basis.  This gives her the security of knowing that I haven't changed and that she never has to doubt my sincerity or fidelity.  I cook food the same way every time to give my family a stability they couldn't find in any restaurant.  This allows them to know exactly when to complain and when to cheer.

Consistency pays off in many ways.  My friends and family never have to worry about whether or not I love them.  They never have to wonder if I will be there to protect them, defend them, challenge them, hold them, or hug them.  They never fear that will give up on them, walk away from them, or forget them.  They never have to guess which version of me they will get on any given day, because there's only one (like it or not).  Seriously, what good is a superhero if there's no guarantee he or she will show up when you're in need?  Strength, speed, size, smarts, and phenomenal cosmic powers are useless if you can't count on them to be utilized consistently.

Speaking of which, I need to brush my teeth now.  I would hate to upset the water department.

1 comment:

  1. I am trying to research more about OCD and found your blog. Do you think that writing about it has helped you overcome some of the anxiety?
